Please contact Michigan Conference Meeting Planner and Annual Conference Executive Team member Nancy Arnold
Important Dates
February 1, 2022 - Submission deadline for annual conference resolutions (legislation) with financial implications.
February 15, 2022 - Submission deadline for annual conference resolutions (legislation) without financial implications.
March 1, 2022 - Registration Opens 9AM EDT
April 1, 2022- All pre-produced on-screen presentations due. All materials for print and on-screen presentations deadline.
April 15, 2022 - All voting materials online.
May 8, 2022 - Registration closes. Late registration opens May 9 with a $50 late fee.
June 1, 2022 - Clergy Session, Grand Traverse Resort.
June 2-4, 2022 - Annual Conference, Grand Traverse Resort. Opening Worship and Memorial Service.
June 3, 2022 - Service of Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination, Grand Traverse Resort.
Petition, resolution, or legislation?
Looking to recommend a change in how the annual conference operates? To do so, you will want to submit a resolution to the annual conference. To ask the annual conference endorsement for a change to the Book of Resolutions and Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church is called a petition. Ultimately, anything voted on in either annual or general conference is a form of legislation, by any other name.
Getting ready to serve
As a member to the Annual Conference there are many important responsibilities. Coming prepared is essential to a smooth and meaningful week. As materials become available they will be posted.
To get started, we recommend you watch our training video and if you plan to submit resolutions (legislation) to annual conference, please read the Michigan Conference guide to writing petitions to the annual conference below.

A Michigan Conference guide to writing resolutions to the annual conference.
Is there an issue you care about? Is there a policy you want examined? Are you are thinking about submitting a resolution to the Michigan Annual Conference? Here are some helpful tips.
Begin by asking, “What is my goal, and will passing a resolution at Annual Conference accomplish my goal?”
- If your goal is a specific change in Annual Conference policy or structure, submitting a resolution to the Annual Conference session is exactly the appropriate action to take.
- If your goal is to help educate or inform Michigan United Methodists, particularly Annual Conference members, about an issue you care about as a follower of Jesus, a resolution at Annual Conference may be helpful.
- If your goal is to change a government policy on an issue you care about as a follower of Jesus, it seems less likely that having the Michigan Annual Conference approve a resolution will be a significant step toward your goal.
When writing your resolution, be clear and succinct in stating your proposed action.
- What specifically are you asking?
- Who specifically are you asking to take action?
- When should the proposed action occur? What timeline are your proposing?
- If your resolution proposes communication to public officials, identify them by office and not by name.
When writing your resolution, keep your rationale succinct and accurate.
- Check your work for spelling and grammar. A well-written resolution communicates to the Annual Conference members that you have given your resolution thought, care and attention.
- Avoid including extraneous information. Again, be clear and succinct.
- It is better to state your case positively. Let the members know what you are for more than what you are against.
- Be clear about any financial implications. Note rule : A copy of any resolution that would require an expenditure of more than $1000 must be sent to the Council on Finance and Administration, along with a five-year cost projection, no later than February 1.
- If you feel the need to include the mention of public officials in your rationale, identify them by office and not by name.
A couple of helpful reminders
- It can be very helpful to consult with other groups in the Annual Conference who may be affected by your resolution.
- Listen again to the words of Colossians 4:6: Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt
- Remember the words of John Wesley: They who “walk in the Spirit,” are also led by God into all holiness of conversation. Their “speech is always in grace, seasoned with salt”; with the love and fear of God. “No corrupt communication comes out of their mouth; but only that which is good,” that which is “to the use of edifying,” which is “meet to minister grace to the hearers.” (from sermon, “The First Fruits of the Spirit”)