Thank you to our sponsors
for making this event possible!
January: Preachers, teachers, and speakers announced.
February 1: Submission deadline for all legislation with possible financial impacts on the conference budget.
February 15: Submission deadline for all legislation without a financial impact on the conference budget.
February 28: Mission and Ministry content due to conference communications.
March 1: Annual Conference registration opens.
April 1: Board and Agency Reports due to conference communications.
April 15: Pre-conference reports posted to this website for review.
April 30: Lay Orientation, 9 - 10 AM
May 8: Registration closes!
May 9 - May 19: Late registration open with $50 fee, not covered for retirees or conference equalization members.
May 19: Lay Orientation, 7:30 - 8:30 PM
May 24, 25: Dates for online Legislative Committees. 6 PM and 8 PM.
May 27: Late Registration opens with a $50 Late Fee, not covered for retirees and conference equalization members. Late Registrants will not be able to participate in legislative committees. Meal or concert tickets are not guaranteed.
June 1: Clergy Session 3 PM
June 2 : Opening Worship and Memorial Service 1 PM, Evening Concert.
June 3: Laity Session, Plenary Sessions, Service of Recognition Commissioning and Ordination.
June 4: Annual Conference concludes at 5 PM

THURSDAY, JUNE 2 - SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2022 Grand Traverse Resort • Acme MI
Based on Psalm 30, we will focus on resiliency as our church journeys through pandemics, denominational, and social change.
Annual Conference Summary
Watch and share this summary of the 2022 Annual Conference. To view the annual conference sessions, teaching, and more, visit the conference VIMEO page. To watch conference reports click here. Read in-depth summaries here.

We are back in person!
The Commission on The Annual Conference Session is pleased to announce the return to an in-person gathering at the Grand Traverse Resort this year.
Annual Conference will be slightly shorter this year, starting with Clergy Session on Wednesday, June 1 at 3:00 pm (Clergy and BOM only). Conference Opening Worship and Memorial Service for all members begins Thursday, June 2 at 1:00 pm. and Annual Conference concludes at 5:00 pm Saturday, June 4. Save these dates now. In addition, members to Annual Conference should set aside the evenings of May 24-26 to attend virtual legislative sessions.
This year's conference includes Preacher and Teacher Rev. Ron Bell, senior pastor of Camphor Memorial UMC and a regular guest columnist for the Saint Paul Monitor, and the return of Derrick Scott, the Executive Director and United Methodist Campus Minister for the Campus to City Wesley Foundation in Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Fl. See the About Section for more details.
The Commission on the Annual Conference Session is consulting with public health and medical professionals to create the safest environment possible for Annual Conference. Those attending as members will be required to be fully vaccinated OR have a Negative PCR test result within 48 hours prior to arrival, and wear a medical-grade mask when not actively eating or drinking. Details of this covenant an be found in the health and safety section. Infection rates are being closely monitored and the committee remains committed to flexibility and placing safety first.
Members to Annual Conference are encouraged to confirm with their local church administrator to assure their names are listed in the Brick River database to assure they receive important and timely information about registration, receive pre-conference reports, and invitations to ZOOM gatherings.
Registration opens online March 1 at 9:00 a.m.

Special Private Concert!
CARRIE NEWCOMER with Pianist Gary Walters!
Acclaimed Singer/Songwriter Carrie Newcomer, whose rich faithful voice and lyrics have been praised by the Associated Press, Boston Globe, and Billboard Magazine, brings her amazing music to a private concert and reception Thursday, June 2, 7:00PM. In her songs and poems, Newcomer tells the universal human story of loss, resiliency, spiritual connection, and hope with the grace, compassion, and humor that characterizes her work. Learn more.